

WSF is an inclusive school. This means we welcome children with a range of learning preferences, including students of determination (those with special education needs and disabilities), students who are gifted and talented, and students who are English Language Learners. We welcome all students and their unique individual needs.

Why are we inclusive? 

Here at WSF we believe in the fundamental right of every child to access a quality education. Inclusive schools are simply better, more vibrant schools, reflective of the real-world communities all children will be part of when they leave school. The GEMS vision for inclusive education is that we achieve excellence together by all students receiving the support they need to meaningfully belong to their school and the wider community. This means all students feel valued for their contributions, engage purposefully in learning, and experience academic, cultural, social and emotional success in a common learning environment. Inclusion means truly accepting everybody, celebrating our differences and learning to value each other. It means understanding that we are not all the same and that our learning challenges are as unique as our fingerprints.


Our mission for Inclusion is to provide educational programs and related services to students with special needs that reflect the best international standards and practices to prepare them to be positive, happy and productive members of society.


Our vision is to use all available resources to plan, implement, and monitor the provision of special education programs to ensure that all students receive a Personalised Learning service based on their strengths and needs which will enhance their social competence and enable them to maximize their contributions to their communities.

Our Provision

All teachers are considered to be teachers of students with Special Educational Needs and as such, they continue to remain responsible for the teaching and learning of their students. All teachers are responsible for identifying students who are experiencing challenges with learning, and in collaboration with the Inclusion team, will ensure that those students requiring different or additional support are identified at an early stage.

Level 1

This level describes the support that is available to all students, including those with and without SEN. Within the Graduated Approach, at the first Level, needs are met through High Quality Teaching in the classroom by the teacher and any other adults in the class.

Support for students at Level 1 is tailored to the needs of the individual student; this is seen as differentiated teaching and learning. This can be provided by the class teacher and some examples could be the use of reasonable adjustment changes to the lesson and curriculum content, assistive technology, individual or small group teaching, or in-class support.

Level 2

This level describes the support that is available in addition to the support at Level 1 and goes beyond the usual differentiated curriculum. Students at this level require interventions that are specific and time-limited; these can be small group activities or short-term programs of support. It is expected that a minority of students will require access to this level of support services. Some students accessing this level may require enhanced support through an individual education plan.

Level 3

Students at this level require individualized and specialized provision, which is different from that provided to most other students. This may include full-time support by a learning support assistant and or long-term programs of support.. It is expected that only a few students will require access to Level 3 support.

We do offer our Level 3 students the option of spending part-time in school and part-time in a specialised center. This option allows our students to have an access to a wide range of therapy sessions while taking the privilege of being in a mainstream school.

As part of our inclusive policy, Level 3 students are also allowed to attend school with external support who could be specialized in special education.

Life- Social Skills Program

Mastering social skills can be challenging for many children who have special needs. This can be the case if their difficulties lie within the developmental delay, a language disorder, or autism.

Students of determination at WSF have an access to a wide variety of life and social skills where they learn skills like effective communication, recognising feelings, social cues, efficacy, expressing needs, and good manners. We are privileged to work with such wonderful children and are proud of the progress made by each of our students.