High Performance Learning
High Performance Learning
As Principal, I am very excited to write this introduction to launch HPL in our school. We have made great progress and it has been heartwarming to see the improvements in teaching and learning throughout the school; we should all be proud of what WSF has achieved in recent years. Given that significant development, it is the perfect time and opportunity to take our development to the next level as teachers, as a school and as leaders. High Performance Learning will give us a world-recognised and respected framework upon which to base our continued progress and development. Through our adoption of HPL, I have every confidence that WSF can achieve the prestigious award of World Class School status within the next 2-3 years. We should all be ambitious and aspirational for our school, our students and ourselves as educators. This project will underpin everything that we do in our immediate future, and I look forward to everyone joining me on this journey.
HPL is an educational framework which encourages children and young adults to develop the skills necessary to become effective self-directed learners. HPL is not a programme or a course. There is no exam, there is no scheme of work. It is a framework that focuses on the 20 characteristics learners need to develop to be able to perform to their highest level, Advanced Cognitive Performance Characteristics (ACPs), and the 10 Values Attitudes and Attributes (VAAs) necessary to develop the learning dispositions essential for cognitive and 'life' success. It is a holistic approach with the child firmly at the centre.
HPL is not another fashionable movement. HPL is based on a significant body of evidence and research. Schools that have implemented HPL have seen significant improvements in teaching, learning and academic performance. HPL has been effective in school improvement in many different contexts and is not the preserve of elite schools. It is more impactful in schools with diverse cultural and linguistic factors like WSF.
Please take some time to explore the resources on this site to develop a sound understanding of HPL. We are committed to the involvement of all stakeholders in our community in this exciting project, as we work towards becoming accredited against the HPL World Class standards of education.
Emmanuel Keteku
Principal, GEMS WSF High Performance Learning
Please find below more details about High Performance Learning and how you can support your child at home.